Tuesday, September 2, 2014

NFL Week 1 Picks

Green Bay +6 at Seattle: The Pack has the right mix on offense to keep Seattle's defense somewhat off balance, as long they don't forget about Eddie Lacy.  If Lacy gets stuffed early and the Packers abandon the running game, then lookout, they get a Broncos-style ass-beating.  But the Packers have one of the best coaching staffs in the league, I don't see them being dumb enough to try beating the Seahawk D with a one-dimensional attack.  Seattle's offense is nothing special.  Marshawn Lynch gets a lot of hype, but in reality he's a 4.2 yards per rush RB entering the downside of his career.  And I'm not convinced Russell Wilson is a big-time QB.  Seattle is counting on a *healthy* Percy Harvin to juice-up their offense.  Ha.  Harvin has an eggshell body and a ghetto brain.  Good luck with that.  Of course, the Packers defense sucked last year.  They get a lot of injured players back, and added Julius Peppers--so basically they are crossing their fingers on a lot of old guys who are pretty shop-worn.  But if the Packers defense can be even average, Aaron Rodgers will them a lot of games.  Green Bay.

Cleveland +7 at Pittsburgh:  The poor little Pot Brownies!  Josh Gordon gets kicked for the season for smoking a little weed, while division rival Ray Rice gets a wrist-slap for beating the shit out of his girlfriend.  The most dangerous receiver in the NFL now has to sit around for a whole year and try to stay out of trouble.  The Browns better hire a 24/7 babysitter, or Gordon might turn into the next Charles Rogers.  Pittsburgh.

Cincinnati +1.5 at Baltimore:  The Ravens have no running game, and they're hoping 35 year old Steve Smith will cure whatever was ailing Joe Flacco last year.  The Ravens best offensive weapon is probably Justin Tuck, who can put up 3 points from 65 yards and in.  This is billed as a battle for the AFC North, but I see the Bengals as being better all across the board.  And their getting +1.5.  Cincinnati.

San Francisco -4.5 at Dallas:  The Cowboy defense sucked last year under the out-dated schemes of dinosaur d-coordinator Monte Kiffen.  Jerry Jones' solution?  Promote last year's d-line coach and life-long Monte Kiffen errand boy Rod *0-16* Marinelli.  Prediction: Dallas' defense will suck again.  The Cowboy offense will score a ton of points, though--provided aging Tony Romo stays healthy.  There are some troubling signs with the 49ers.  Pete Carroll caught up with and passed Jim Harbaugh last year, and then there was the weird Harbaugh-to-the-Browns thing.  Harbaugh seems a little distracted, as if he has one eye on his next job.  Always a master QB coach, Harbaugh's boy Colin Kaepernick seemed to regress as last season wore on. And when your tight end is the fastest player on your offense, you're not going to scare many opposing defenses.  And the 49er defense has some injury problems.  I have a feeling the 49ers aren't quite right this year.  This game has the look of Mike Tyson climbing into the ring with Buster Douglas:  a supposed badass getting ready to beat down a sloppy pushover.  Let's not get fooled again.  We'll take Buster this time.  Dallas.

Indianapolis +8 at Denver: Two soft, pass-happy teams with over-rated QBs playing EA Football.  This is what the NFL loves.  Telegenic football with goody-two-shoes QBs racking up the yards and td passes.  I can't stand either of these teams.  I hope both QBs go down on their opening series.  Indianapolis.

New York Giants +5.5 at Detroit:  Poor, poor Jim Caldwell.  A couple days ago Caldwell claimed the Lions have all the pieces to win a championship.  Poor, poor Jim Caldwell.  He has no idea what he has inherited.  Caldwell, like every new Lions coach for the last fifty years, inherited these pieces: fumbles, ints, dumb penalties, missed assignments, dropped passes and last second field goals clanking off the goal posts.  Caldwell inherited all the pieces to finish 6 - 10, with at least 5 gut-wrenching giveaway games.  On paper, the Lions should crush the Giants, an aging, slow squad with a QB coming off a terrible year. But Tom Coughlin has the wisdom and patience to simply wait out the Lions. . .wait for the Lions to beat themselves, like they did last year, when the Giants beat the Lions in OT.  Poor, poor Jim Caldwell.  He'll walk off the field late Monday night wondering how in Hell they lost a game they won everywhere but on the scoreboard.  New York Giants.

Eliminator Trap Game: Buffalo at Chicago.  The Bears are the second most popular choice for a Week 1 win in the ESPN Eliminator Challenge.  But new Bills defensive coordinator, Psycho Jim Schwartz, knows how to beat the Bears, he did it twice last year with the Lions.  And Schwartz has the defensive line to fluster Jay Cutler into 2 or 3 dumb picks.  Hell, the Bills are a lot like Schwartz' Lions were, a roster full of shiny stars who somehow always manage to lose more than they win.  I'd still pick the Bears to win, but not in a one-and-done Eliminator league.  There are safer non-glamor team options for Week 1, like the Steelers and Jets.   


  1. I'm not sold on Russel Wilson at all. I think the PC pale-faces like him because he's white in every-which-way but skin color. If Harry Reid has a favorite QB, it's Russel Wilson because ole Russ doesn't speak with a Negro dialect.

    Josh Gordon had to know the NFL was watching his ass closely after his other pot busts during his college career which caused the very talented WR to drop to round two of the supplemental or some crap. You'd think the guy would get the synthetic stuff or take a break when testing is around or take up booze or something. Then again, pot also had a spell on Ricky Williams who quit the NFL for a while so he could smoke up.

    Manziel was going to start this year eventually anyway but this may accelerate the process so he can go out there and have done to him what every other Brown QB has experienced: Unadulterated failure.

    NFL careers are short. You'd think these guys could wait a few years before acting like Willie Nelson on tour.

    Dallas picked up Michael Sam for its practice squad. Now watch all the PC pale-faces who hated the Boys jump on that band-wagon.

    Is this Crypt-Keeper Coughlin's last year?

    Brokeback Rogers. . . . . does he last this year?

    I only disagree with the Baltimore game. I think Baltimore has it.

  2. Doesn't that queer Sam have any dignity? It cannot escape him the only reason Jones signed him is strictly for PR. He's a faggot mascot. He's like the midget Clint Eastwood pinned the sheriff's badge on in High Plains Drifter. Jerry Jones gave the homo a Cowboy practice jersey, and now the pansy thinks he's a real player, instead of a sideshow attraction.

  3. Jerry Jones may be looking for a Profile in Courage award or looking to distract from yet another horrible year, possibly the worst cap situation in the NFL, and nothing to show for it.

    The only reason Dallas won so much in the 90's is they found a dumber team owner in MN when they got all those draft picks from the Vikes for Hershel. Truly an exhibition in how winning is often about being less stupid than your opponent.

  4. The Packers were awful. Man, I know Seattle in Seattle is a tough way to start, but GB didn't show much. The run defense was shitty and that rookie safety, haha is right, what a laugh, he missed a ton of tackles. But we knew GB had questions on defense. . .what really got me was how easily Seattle bottled up Rodgers. He couldn't the ball downfield. All short stuff. Gotta give it to the Seahawks. No Superbowl hangover--they look like they want more. The Packers got some work to do, and it looks like they got a couple injury issues to deal with. The Bears, the Lions, hell, even the Vikings got to be thinking the NFC North is there for the taking.

  5. Still think Russell Wilson is the weak link on that team, though. . .

  6. From what I saw, which wasn't the whole game because I fell asleep sometime in the second quarter only to wake up to Sherman being interviewed at the end of the game. Yeah, I was tired but it also looked clear that Seattle was the better team.

    GB ran the ball well at the beginning and then called pass for the first time and Rogers threw it well-behind Nelson on a short route. Pretty soon they were punting. Rogers could not get anything going. Again, GB looked good running the ball from what I saw. Lacy is solid and Kuhn is the kind of FB you want in short-yardage situations.

    But Seattle's offense ran over GB. We can talk about Matthews running people down but the fact is he HAS to run people down because the line is not getting to the QB or stuffing the RB. He serves as a safety valve for what looks like a crummy line.

    The D-line looked out-coached next to Seattle's well-coached O-line. Carrol knows he only needs to ask game-management from Wilson and that's all he asks. Whether Wilson is bigger than that role is irrelevant when you have an RB like Lynch and an O-line that imposes its will. The game was over when Wilson ran that read-option and left the GB defense flat-footed. I went to sleep then.

    GB, from what little I saw,

  7. Hahaha. . .I tried to warn everybody about taking the Bears in the Eliminator League! Psycho Jim Schwartz beats faggot Trestman again! Of course, that was about all I was right about this week. . .

    What great wins for the Falcons and Dolphins. I didn't see either of them coming, especially the Dolphins. Brady threw 56 passes and didn't even hit 250 yards. My two super bowl picks looked like shit in their openers.

  8. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  9. I still gotta see Ryan play like that in a big game. I've never liked him. He's a wilter. Looks real pretty until the heat is on.

    One thing I forgot to say about the Falcons: they proved the Bears and that faggot they got running the show over there, Trestwoman, were wrong about Devin Hester. He's still some gas in the tank.

    The Lions surprised me tonight. They don't usually win easy. They usually have to beat the other team and themselves. Of course, the Giants are shit. Time for Eli to move on. . .he's done as a winner there, they have nothing for him work with, and he's just going to get frustrated and be a whipping boy for the fans. I bet NY could get a first round pick for him from St Louis. He could win again with the Rams.

    We'll see whether the Lions offense can play mistake-free football next week against a real defense. Carolina - Detroit could be a fun game.

  10. Hey, Anonymous, somehow in replying to your comments about Ryan and the Falcons, I deleted your comment. . .sorry!

  11. New Orleans has a terrible defense and so does Atlanta. Home dome advantage won it with a kicker who doesn't wilt.

    Hester looked good, but that's easy when a poor defense is struggling with Jones and White.

    They'll be less successful with Cincinnati. And the Bengal running will kill the Atlanta defense. I'd play Ryan in fantasy only because he's going to have to pass.

    Cincy will run first, get the Falcon secondary in close and then open up the air. It'll be ugly.

    Detroit looked good. Relentless.
