Thursday, September 4, 2014

Karma's A Bitch. . .

I find it ironic this loud-mouthed, vulgar *entertainer,* just weeks after poo-pooing the deaths of thousands of Palestinian civilians, dies from a botched throat operation. . .


  1. It's so strange to see people justify these killings without much thought. Not to introduce too much of Philosophy 101, but isn't it a red-herring to bring in the nuclear bombing of Hiroshima? What does Hiroshima have to do with Israel killing Palestinians?

    But if there is a connection, this opens up the Zionists to questions and comparisons of "the" Jewish holocaust (often called "The Holocaust") to other genocides that were proportionally worse in some cases (the North American Indians) and worse in terms of raw numbers in other cases (Mao's "revolutions" and Stalin's mass-killings).

    To put it another way, it opens up the Zionists to people farcically putting their hands to their faces and exclaiming, "ohhh, boo-hoo! Millions of Jews died how many years ago? It's ancient history! If we want to bring up ancient history, why don't we bring up the American Indians? If we want to reach back further, why aren't we still crying about the murder of the original settlers of the British Isles suffered at the hands of the Roman Empire? Do we need Italy to send reparations to Wales?"

    The above shows Joan Rivers poo-pooing the Palestinian deaths. We can say, "oh, that was a blowhard comedian giving her opinion", and it is. The disturbing part is US policy, and her policy-makers, share the exact same sentiment. First it's a patronizing defense of the killings. Not far behind is accusing the questioners of anti-Semetism.

  2. Rivers dying of complications due to yet another surgery is hardly karma. It was a statistical eventuality.

    She was already beating the odds after what probably amounted to nearly 100 surgeries.

    Being medically knocked out itself at her age was risky.
