Tuesday, December 2, 2014

College Football Week 15 Picks

4-3 vs the spread last week, 40-27-1 for the season. . .

The end is here. . .just a few conference championship games, and the Playoff field will be set.  Let's hope the Playoffs provide a little drama, because the regular sesason was pretty dull.  No players or teams seemed *special.*  The SEC doesn't have a decent QB, the Pac-12 has several teams with dynamic offenses but sorry defenses, ditto for the Big 12 (and their name schools sucked), so the Playoff Committee has a TCU/Baylor Sophie's Choice, the ACC has the only unbeaten (for now), Florida State, but the Semen-oles are living on borrowed time, the Big 10 has Ohio State, with a third string quarterback and a horrible run defense.  As for the Heisman Trophy, I suppose it will go to Oregon's Marcus Mariota, by default, as long as he doesn't botch the Pac-12 title game against Arizona, but with the suspension/injury to Todd Gurley, there really hasn't been a Heisman player this yesar. . .

The Flops of the Year were UCLA and Oklahoma, teams that should have made a run at the Playoffs, but finished with 3 losses, Notre Dame (7-5), which finished with a four game losing streak, the season-ender being an especially ugly ass-kicking from USC, Stanford (7-5), South Carolina (6-6), Auburn (8-4 and what happens you gain over 600 yards on Alabama and still lose?  You fire the DC). And Georgia with its Clean Shirt defense once again failed to take advantage of the weak SEC East, somehow finishing second to a Missouri team they destroyed on their own home field.

Coaches of the Year: 1. Gary Patterson (TCU). 2. Rich Rodriguez (Arizona). 3. Gary Pinkel (Missouri).  Nobody had any of these teams in Playoff or Conference championship contention.  

Negro Wonder Boy Flop Coaches of the Year: 1. James Franklin (Penn State), 6-6 on the year, all six losses in the horrible Big 10. 2. Charlie Stong (Texas), 6-6 and National Leader in claiming *moral victories* every time he lost.  3. David Shaw (Stanford), 7-5.  *Affirmative Action* *sports casters* said this darkie would be able to keep Stanford at Harbaugh levels, he was such a brown football genius.  He was just a Harbaugh by-product, though, and the biggest pussy coach in the nation, twice punting late in tie games on the opponents side of the field.

Coach Who Had The Worst Year: Nobody fucked it up more than Brady Hoke (Michigan), finishing 5-7, losing to Rutgers and Maryland, looking completely clueless in the Shane Morris Concussion-gate, and looking like something from Diary of a Wimpy Coach after apologizing to Mark Dantonio over the absurd stake-gate.  Hoke should be fired by the time this gets posted, and all Michigan fans everywhere can get set to have their hearts broken when Jim Harbaugh says *thanks, but no thanks.*

Arizona +13.5 vs Oregon: Ha!  Still no respect for Rich Rodriguez' Wildcats.  They've kicked Oregon's butt twice in a row, and are still a heavy underdog.  I understand part of the reasoning: Arizona's defense is truly awful, and they've lucked out with a great turnover margin. . .but this is the Pac-12, where outside of Stanford, everybody has a suspect defense.  I don't know if Arizona is up to an Oregon hat trick, but, fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me, I gotta go with RichRod to at least cover.  Arizona.

Alabama -14.5 vs Missouri: Somehow Missouri came back from the dead late in the fourth quarter last week and beat Wisconsin South, robbing the nation of what would have been an exciting Georgia - Alabama title game.  Now we get this mismatch.  Gary Pinkel is a helluva coach, no way this Missouri team should have fnished 10-2 and SEC East champs.  This is a 7-5, 4th in the East team.  As good a coach as Pinkel is, I see no way he can keep this game close. After this Alabama 30+ win, Georgia, Florida and South Carolina fans are going to be irate all over again for their teams finishing behind the Tigers.  Alabama.

Florida State -4 vs Georgia Tech: End of the Line for the Hymen Trophy winner and the Semen*oles.  Florida State don't have the discipline to withstand 60 minutes of rushing football.  As long as Tech don't give the game away in the first half with turnovers or special teams fuck-ups, they will wear down FSU and run away late from Outlaw State.  Georgia Tech.

Wisconsin -4 vs Ohio State: Ha ha ha poor Urban Meyer!  At least he's already got his excuse, poor us, we had to play a 3rd string QB.  But listen, they would have lost this game with Braxton Miller or J.T. Barrett. . .because the Buckeye's run defense is HORRIBLE!  And what does Wisconsin do? RUN, RUN, and RUN some more.  The Buckeye's couldn't stop Michigan's Drake Johnson, for crying out loud, how in Hell are they going to stop Melvin Gordon?  They won't.  So Urban Meyer is going to be 35-4 at Ohio State, with no conference championships, no BCS bowl wins, no Playoff appearance.  No coach in the history of college football has ever had a more meaningless 35-4 record.  But at least he'll have his excuse.  Wisconsin.

So what would the Playoffs look like if Florida State loses?

Alabama, TCU/Baylor, Oregon and who?  Do you take both TCU and Baylor, with the Big 12 looking like the Cat who ate the SEC's canary?  Or do you take a two loss team like Mississippi State?  Toss the Big 10 a bone and take Wisconsin?  Georgia Tech?

And what if Oregon loses?  

You got to take Arizona.  Got to.  Imagine RichRod getting into the first-ever Playoffs. . .while Michigan is 5-7 and looking for another coach, again!

Anyway, here's my final playoff prediction:

#1 Alabama vs #4 Baylor

#2 Oregon vs #3 TCU

I don't see how you can take a two loss conference championship team over a one loss conference co-champion.  The Big 12, with no conference championship game out-foxes the Big 10 and the ACC!!


  1. Wow, Hoke just announced fired. How many coaches in last 5 or so years now?

    An empire in decline.

  2. Rodriguez got 3 years, Hoke got 4 years. If they had given RichRod his 4th year, he'd still be here. . .Hoke won 11 games with RichRod's team, then didn't have a clue what to do next.

    I'm glad RichRod has been able to re-establish himself as a great coach at Arizona. He took a lot of shit at Michigan, wasn't constantly back-stabbed, and he handled it with class.

  3. I've got Tech over FSU, too.

    What I'm really thinking about is where Winston gets drafted next year. Does he go in the first? Is there really something with black QB's in the NFL? Are they too easy to figure out?

    Winston doesn't seem like a Moon or McNair type black QB, either. More along the lines of JaMarcus Russel or Vince Young.

    Man, remember those guys? They played lights out in college.

  4. Some team will gamble (and lose) on Winston late in the first round, pick #20 or lower. . .

    I wouldn't take him until round 4. . .

    I love a nigger QB in college...remember all those great nigger Oklahoma QBs? Runners first, passers a distant second. But that don't work in the NFL.

    The nigger passing QBs remind me of nigger baseball pitchers. . .don't trust them in pressure situations (that's American niggers, not the Latin niggers). . .I think only one nigger pitcher was good in big games, Bob Gibson, and he lost the biggest game of his career to Mickey Lolich in game 7 of the '68 series.

  5. As an example, apparently you got this colored boy Geno Smith not wanting to take part in the pre-game introductions because he was afraid the Jets fans would boo him. How you gonna trust a mentally weak individual like that to win the game in the last two minutes for you? Sure enough, he tossed an INT late against Miami. ..

  6. That's the problem with RG3. He isn't a passer and ain't tough enough to run in the big.

  7. What?!?! Nebraska dumps Peilini, who never won a big game, for Mike Riley, who never won a big game??? And Riley is 61? I know the guy has a great reputation as a football genius, but hell, he's been in the Pac-12 for like 15 years, and never did much. He ain't no Bill Snyder. I wouldn't be too excited if I was a Cornhusker fan. . .

  8. Man, so many rumors about the Michigan coaching job. . .some crazy shit, like Sean Payton. But one name that keeps popping up is Jim Mora, Jr. I don't know about that guy. He's done OK at UCLA, but their defense sucked this year, and he got his ass kicked last week by David Shaw--not a good sign. What kind of coach was he with the Falcons?

  9. Mora was terrible. The guy went for a spin with Roddy White in White's Ferrari while the rest of the team was on the bus. He also had these antics where he'd sniff smelling salts on the sidelines for fun. And then while in the playoff hunt, talked at a radio station about his dream job being HC of Washington. And of course the Vick problems happened almost exclusively under Mora. I despised the guy.

    He represented everything wrong with Blank. A bullshitter. An empty polo. Stupid playbook. He's Kiffen territory.

    It also pissed me off Jew Blank fired Georgian Reeves for Mora. I began not liking the guy and the feeling grew.

    Funny thing is RichRod is a winner who is a bit of an asshole but I still like him. Mora? Loser asshole. Good luck, MI. Mora will look at MI as a spring board. He'll fuck up and leave a mess.

  10. Mora sounds like a nightmare. . .hopefully it's just a bogus rumor.

    Tough night for RichRod. . .that looked like one of his old Michigan teams. . .no defense, and the offense crapped out in a big game.

  11. Mora and then Petrino is a huge reason why I took so long to turn on coach Smith. Mora was awful and Petrino, well. You know that story.

  12. The Falcons would be playing with fire if they dumped Smith. . .the next coach could be even worse. . .if the Falcons finish 7-9 and win the division, you might as well bring him back.

  13. Oh, man, OSU is killing Wisconsin. . .Urban Meyer is going to cry like a fucking baby when the Buckeyes get left out of the Playoffs.

  14. This guy Art Briles of Baylor made an ass of himself begging for his team yesterday. . .on merit they probably deserve it more than TCU or Ohio State. . .but I hope they get left out. . .Briles will go nuts.

  15. Damn, Tech lost to FSU. Really thought that would go the other way. Close, though.

    Obama, a bojangler who knows football as well as he knows how to act normal, thought the playoffs would end controversies. It won't. Who will be the top four? Who selects them?

    What a mess.

  16. Ha ha ha. . .Ohio State got in! Man, poor TCU and Baylor.. .snubbed because they aren't name schools. The Big 12 is far superior to the Big 10. . .if it was Texas and Oklahoma instead of TCU and Baylor, one of those teams would have been in, and OSU out.

    Gary Patterson must be pulling his hair out. . .for years TCU was snubbed because they were in a little conference, they join a big boy league, win it, and still get passed over. They dropped 3 spots in the final poll, after winning by 52! FAKE! They wanted the best TV match-ups, not the best football match-ups.

  17. It looks that way. Guess Obama couldn't figure out the college football thing, either.
