Tuesday, December 16, 2014

NFL Week 16 Picks

5-3-1 vs the spread last week, 50-59-3 for the season. . .

Listen.  Marvin Lewis, that old fox, has credentials.  He's the greatest negro coach in football history.  Tony Dungy and Mike Tomlin won Super Bowls, sure.  They had Peyton Manning and Big Ben.  It ain't Lewis' fault he's had Carson Palmer and Andy Dalton.  

Lewis invented the greatest defense in professional football history while serving as the Baltimore Ravens defensive coordinator.  He's had a ton of coaches eating his crumbs and earning big jobs in the NFL, all because they had the luck to follow or coach with him in Baltimore or Cincinnati.    Mike Nolan, Mike Smith, Rex Ryan, Chuck Pagano, Mike Zimmer. . .all cashed in with Lewis' invention.  They didn't invent it.  They copied it.  Basically Jap coaches, is what they are. Take somebody's else invention, and sell a cheaper version.  But the point is, Lewis, that old fox, has credentials.  And he's that old school tight-lipped coach.  Spouts the coach cliches.  The opponent is very talented, there is such a thin line separating the teams in the League, when you see them on film you are very impressed, they are just a play or two away from blah, blah, blah.  Such-and-such a player creates major problems for the defense, we have to stick to our assignments or such-and-such a guy will take advantage of our breakdowns and beat us with explosion plays, blah, blah, blah.  Lewis, that old fox, ain't gonna say anything remotely disrespectful about an opposition player, ain't gonna give them even that tiny, tiny psychological edge.

So the cat was out of the bag when Marvin Lewis dismissed any notion of anxiety about preparing to face the Johnny Football-led Cleveland Browns.  No, no problem, Lewis replied when asked if it would be difficult to prepare for Johnny Football, no problem, particularly when the guy is a midget.  

He mocked the other team's QB!  

The cat is out of the bag.  

When the normally tight-lipped Lewis laughs at the other team's QB, you know he don't have a fucking care in the world about going against that guy.  He knows the guy can't beat him.  So he can speak honestly.  He can say whatever he wants.  He can call Johnny Football a cocksucker--who cares?  Ain't nothing that midget can do about it.  Marvin Lewis told the whole world Johnny Manziel don't have the ability to win.  

Lewis has the credentials to back his ability as a talent evaluator.  Lewis had no respect for Johnny Football.  When he told that interviewer Johnny Football was no cause for worry, that he was a midget, he told the whole world he was absolutely 100% certain his team would beat that midget's ass.  And that's exactly what happened.  30-0.  And it wasn't even that close.  His own QB, Andy Dalton, had a shitty game.  The Bengals could have won 75-0.  The Browns were never competitive.  Johnny Football did nothing on the field except a couple Curly shuffles before throwing footballs that seemed to be filled with helium.  

Here's the real question: How in Hell did Marvin Lewis know Johnny Football was a joke, but not Browns coach Mike Pettine?  Pettine seen this guy in practice all year.  He had to know the guy was a midget with a girl's arm.  And so he proved himself, like most football coaches, to be as dumb as the average fan.  He thought all the hype, all the college crap, was magic, and despite what he had seen all year in practice, once he gave the midget the starting job, Johnny Football would bewitch the Bengals, leaving them grasping at air, as he scrambled away from giant defensive ends and tossed 50 yard TD passes.  But all Pettine (who threw Brian Hoyer under the bus) got was Eddie Gaedel, QB #1/8.  A joke.  A stunt.  A gimmick.  The Browns season is deservedly over, after Pettine's pathetic stunt.  After the game, Pettine realized he'd drunk Johnny Football Kool-Aid. In his press conference, he was utterly depressed, sounded suicidal. . .and really, the Browns have committed football suicide with their colossal mistake.  Johnny Football is a little quarterback, and Pettine's error in judgment is gigantic.

The poor Browns fans.  They waited all year for the magic.  They filled the stadium, ready to celebrate a New Brown Football Age.  This was the dawning of the Age of Aquarius, but literally one offensive series into the game, Browns fans realized they'd been sheep led to the slaughter.  A psychic black cloud settled over northeastern Ohio, there would be no football opium for the Cleveland masses.  They sat embarrassed in the stadium, witnessing The Quarterback's New Clothes. . .their football leader was exposed, and is now the laughingstock of the sporting world.

Minnesota +7 at Miami: Two coaches headed in opposite directions.  Mike Zimmer has done a helluva job in his first year with the Vikings.  Seen them twice this year, in weeks 6 and 15 against Detroit.  The improvement is obvious, plus the Vikings played hard for the full sixty in both games, and have played tough all year, with only a game against GB and a game against NE in which they were outclassed.  The Vikings outplayed Detroit last week, and if they weren't suffering the growing pains of a rookie QB (INTs, poor clock awareness), they would have won.  The Vikings will be a team to watch next year.  As for Miami, their goofy-looking coach is on his way out the door.  The Dolphins froze the last two weeks in big games.  For the second consecutive year they are playing tight, scared, pussy football at the end, as they wilt under the stretch run heat.  Bet the house on the Vikings, the Dolphins season is over, and they're playing this one with the crippling self-awareness they're chokers.  Minnesota.  

Baltimore -4.5 at Houston: Look, the Texans themselves are all the proof needed that J.J. Watt is not, nor can he ever be, the MVP.  He had another *huge* game with a couple sacks and a few tackles last week, yet WITHOUT A QB, it didn't mean squat, as Houston couldn't come close to scoring enough points to beat the Colts.  The NFL is all about the QB. . .it's a QB League.  Houston and J.J. Watt are once again going nowhere. . .cuz they ain't got a QB.  You cannot seriously make the case a DE on a team out of the playoffs is more valuable than Aaron Rodgers.  You take Watt off the Texans, and they are the same fucking thing: an also-ran.  You take Rodgers off the Packers, and they fall from Super Bowl contenders to also-ran.  And how come the Ravens' Elvis Dumervil ain't getting MVP hype?  He's got more sacks than Watt, and he's playing on a team currently in a playoff spot.  The UNSPOKEN (outside of here) truth is: if Dumervil were a nice white boy like Watt, he would be getting MVP hype.  And if Watt were a negro, he wouldn't get two votes.  Baltimore.  

Detroit -7 at Chicago: This is it for the Lions.  Win, and they clinch at least a wild card spot. . .lose to the terrible Chicago Bears, who appear to have quit on their faggot lame-du/ick coach Marc Trestman, and they'll probably have to do something they haven't done in 23 years to get into the post-season: win at Green Bay.  The Lions have won 10 games for only the ninth time in their sorry eighty-one year history, and I suppose you could say that makes this season a success for first-year Lions head coach, negro Jim Caldwell.  But if you can't win a money game against a team already in the off season, and get that playoff spot, then you are the Same Old Lions.  Am I really betting negro Jim Caldwell, the LAST guy I wanted to see hired, is the coach who can finally overcome decades of institutionalized shitty football and remake the Lions into a reasonable facsimile of a decent Professional Football Team?  The Bears looked AWFUL against the Saints Monday night.  How in Hell can they beat the Lions?  No way.  But. . .the Same Old Lions might be waiting to the very end to make their first 2014 appearance.  Those Cats can always find a way to lose.  Chicago.

Cleveland EVEN at Carolina: I cannot pick the midget, even against Derek Anderson.  Carolina

Atlanta +6.5 at New Orleans: This game basically decides the NFC Goodwill division, barring a complete last week choke (which really wouldn't be that shocking, given the natures of all three teams still in the *fight*) by the winner or a weird combination of choking and Panther wins not worth bothering to figure out here.  Anyways. . .New Orleans looks better than they really are, because they are coming off an EZ win over the corpse of the Bears.  The Falcons have lost two in a row, but they were to good teams, and they played respectable in both.  Atlanta really hasn't played a lousy game since week 7 against the Ravens, and, in point of fact, a lot of their losses they simply gave away with end game bungling.  This looks like an evenly matched game, the first one between these teams went into OT, and that could happen here, also.  No way the Saints can cover.  Atlanta.       

Kansas City +3 at Pittsburgh: The Chiefs are the first team out in the AFC playoff picture. Win this one, and they sneak back in.  But I don't see that happening.  The strength of the Chiefs is their pass rush, but old Big Ben in Pittsburgh is one tough son of a bitch to rattle around. . .and the Chiefs soft run defense is going to get worked over by Le'Veon Bell.  Kansas City has the worst wide-outs in the League, and they just won't be able to score enough to hang with the Steelers.  Season over.  Pittsburgh.

Indianapolis +3 at Dallas: I was surprised how easily the Cowboys handled the Eagles last week.  Their rag-tag defense and fragile psyches are holding up just well enough to where the Cowboys look like they are going to win the NFC East.  I said in my season preview Indianapolis would be the Iowa of the NFL, a lousy team that would look better than it really was because of a weak schedule and a weak division.  And that's exactly what the Colts are.  They'll be hosting a playoff game, and they'll lose.  Dallas.

Seattle -9 at Arizona: Ha.  Arizona is the Division leader, and at home. . .and they are a 9 point underdog!  Why?  Because the National Football League is a QB League. . .and Arizona don't got no QB.  They might not score a single point against the Seahawks red-hot defense.  This game is a perfect example of why J.J. Watt cannot be the MVP.  You got to have a QB, or you're nothing.  Even though the Cardinals are the current #1 seed in the NFC, they are the team everyone wants to play in the post season.  I'd take the Goodwill division winner over the Cardinals.  They just can't score.  Seattle may only have to put 10 on the board to cover, but listen, their offense ain't shit, either.    Seahawks win, but don't cover. Arizona.

Denver -3 at Cincinnati: Interesting.  I haven't heard Marvin Lewis trash-talking Peyton Manning this week.  I wonder why?  The Bengals have to go back to playing against a real Professional quarterback this week. . .and even though Manning's been looking a little long in the tooth the last half of the season, he'll be a bit more of a challenge for the Bengals defense than Johnny Football.  Plus the Broncos are running the Hell out of the ball now, making them an even more dangerous playoff team.  Andy Dalton continues to alternate good and bad games, he sucked against the Browns, so he's due for a good one here.  Cincy also sports a strong run game, so this one may come down to whichever defense shuts down the ground attack.  Denver's #2 in run defense, the Bengals #24.  Denver.


  1. Johnny Manlet is going to be fine. It was his first start. Sheesh.

    MN vs Miami: MIN. Same reasons you give.

    Baltimore vs Houston: Is Houston seriously in the same spot they were in before? Busted up QB's? Emergency signing of a practice squad guy? All that said, how can a team with a runner like Foster need a good QB? Just a decent QB would do. . . . but Houston can't even manage that much. Clowney is out for good. Ain't no way he's coming back from that injury. They need to trade him now while there's a shot at getting something, anything, a fourth rounder, for the guy. Cut and run.

    Oh yeah, Baltimore. I pick Baltimore.

    DET vs CHI: DET. Stafford is going lights out on that game. Chicago is a complete mess. Shambles. They need to start over. Get rid of all the coaching now and start playing second string guys. Stafford can go long on every pass, throw 4 interceptions, and know he's just going to get it back in 5 or less plays. Every time.

    Atlanta vs NO: ATL to win. This is an easy pick. Yes, the birds are going to NO and that place has been poison, but Atlanta is actually looking good. Their defense is looking good. Even in those two losses, that defense bottled up that nutty RB Bell. Except for his receptions. Atlanta looks good and it really is win or go home time for them.

    KC vs PITT: Pittsburgh. Pitt defense looks creaky, like an over 40 softball league. Guys get back spasms, sprains, and other assorted injuries while reaching for the Geritol while taking in the latest Lawrence Welk show. But they're getting it done. Reid, the most successful shitty HC in the history of man, can't get it done. Won't get it done. And Smith lacks the cojones to take those reins. And then there is Bell. Bell should be the MVP this year.

    Indy vs Dallas: Indy.

    Seattle vs AZ: Seattle, and they cover. AZ looked shitty against the Falcons. Horrible. Seattle will get 2 pick sixes out of this game and then hand it over to Lynch. Over and out.

    Denver vs Cincy: Denver. Dalton looks incredibly bad at all the wrong times. If Tom Cruise were to dye his hair red and do a remake, he'd do All the Right Moves - Opposite Day. Daltons 15/14 TD/INT ratio looks better than it is. Some interceptions are okay interceptions where you take a chance because you're way ahead and want to sling the football or necessary desperation by tossing a Hail Mary. This guy throws stupid interceptions on dump-offs. Maybe Dalton matures. He's got the arm. He seems tough enough for the league. But his processing is piss poor. It's like watching a gangly clumsy guy do the tightrope. You just wait for him to fall.

  2. Man, Clowney looked like the next monster negro football beast his junior year at SC. . .then he sort of babied himself his senior year, protecting himself for the draft. . .and it turns out he's made of glass! Perfect pick for a snake-bit franchise like the Texans.

    You didn't give a pick on the Browns - Panthers game. . .

  3. Oh yeah. Forgot Johnny Manlet had a game.....

    I'm going full fan boy. Cleveland. Big. Johnny Manlet shocks the world. He's working on his money dance now and already has an 8 ball ready to party.

  4. Apparently the faggot Trestman is going to bench Cutler for Jimmy Clausen. . .a move that makes absolutely no sense. Does he think Clausen is going to be Josh McClown 2.0? And even if by some miracle Clausen has a couple good games, what's the point? You just diminished what little trade value Cutler had by benching him. The Bears played their hand way too early. Does the faggot Trestman think he can save his job with a couple wins with Clausen? Sad.

    But it would be just like the Lions to lose to a bum like Clausen. . .

  5. Trestman doesn't have a shot at keeping his job without a hail Mary. If Clausen works out, all can be blamed on Jane.

  6. Man. . .you're right. . .this faggot hopes a miracle win with Clausen proves his *system* works, like with McClown, and that Cutler is to blame for everything.

    But how does this faggot blame Cutler for the shitty defense? Cutler's down 20 points most games before he even breaks a sweat. The Bears defense loved playing for Lovie Smith, but this faggot Trestman never reached them. So now he tries the hail Mary, as you say. . .

    What a nightmare if the Lions lose to this faggot. I'd rather go back to the 0-16 circus than lose out on the playoffs to a faggot Judas betraying his QB. This is more spineless than the Pettine tossing Hoyer under the bus. . .(btw, did you see this:)


  7. Man, that is some tone deaf coaching with the Browns. If the team ain't with the QB, the team is in a cold war at best, a civil war at worst. That bodes badly for Manlet. What blocks are missed? What routes aren't made?

    As you say, the Bears defense is getting too much cover from Cutler's poor play. The Bears are a D team. If that isn't clicking first, ain't nothing clicking.

    Unless the Bears are seeing a revolutionary change under Clausen, they won't play hard. Lions win. If the Bears love Clausen, love Trestman, it's trouble.

    Lions win. Trestman's long shot isn't Steve Young or even Hostetler. Or even Case Keenum.

    I say go down with the ship but the good captain Trestman is dressing in drag and sneaking on a life boat with the Clausen move.

    Faggot indeed.

  8. At least with the Manlet choice, Cleveland is going with their first round pick. What is Chicago doing?

    You see where Michigan made an offer to Harbaugh? If Harbaugh is that college coach who cant coach pros, it sounds like a great deal but is the soft Carr echo chamber still powerful? We saw what happened to an intense coach in Michigan with Rodriguez. Will the players cry about their mean coach in Harbaugh?

  9. I'll only believe Harbaugh is coming to Michigan when he steps in front of the mic at the press conference and puts on the hat with the block M. If he does come, he won't have any problems. . .EVERYBODY at Michigan wants this.

    Problem is, I still think Harbaugh wants that Super Bowl ring. . .his brother has one (against him, no less), Carroll has one. . .I think Harbaugh's agent probably leaked the offer to let the Raiders know they're gonna have to pony up 9 or 10 million a year. . .

    There's gonna be a lot of jobs open up in the NFL, but Michigan's only competition is the Raiders. But I think the Raiders have the edge. . .

  10. The Falcons got played like Harbaugh is doing to MI by Parcells years back. We offered an amount which got the bid up and Parcells got paid less than our offer, but got paid more than initially offered by the other team. Forget which team it was. Ain't no fun to be the ugly girl in football.

  11. http://mgoblog.com/mgoboard/harbaugh-update-jeff-moss

    Message #1 says the Falcons want in on the Harbaugh sweepstakes.. .

  12. Word is that Blank don't want some no name or over the hill coach. He wants a name in his prime. Harbaugh fits that bill. As much as I like Smith, I'd take Harbaugh in a second. The team could use some discipline. Maybe toughen up Ryan and tell him to stop looking like an accountant. And kick White's ass for slacking. And tell Starr to discard the stupid doo rag when called to the coach's office.

  13. Ha ha. . .Eagles choke means Lions can back into the playoffs!

  14. SF choked, too. I saw the fourth quarter of that one. It's not that Rivers looked good. He didn't. SF choked it away.

  15. Missed the whole first half of the Lions game. . .apparently they are playing like shit. . .two red zone INTs and a fumbled punt at their own 10.

    How are the Falcons holding up?

  16. The Midget out? Did he get hurt? Or benched already??

  17. Falcons are doing well. Ahead 13 7 now.

    Manlet is out with a hamstring. Probably drinking too much booze.

  18. Fucking jail. . .can't see shit today. Probably for the best. Looks like the Lions are going down.

  19. Falcons playing some defense today, huh?

  20. The Lions won. . .I have no idea how. . .I got to see about 5 plays. . .too many rapists got arrested today.

    From the stats it looks like Atlanta totally dominated the Saints. Another disappointing home game for NO. Is Brees washed up?

    Next week Carolina vs Atlanta for the division. . .gotta like Atlanta. . .and how do the Falcons fire Smith if he wins that game?

  21. It's 5:45 and I've watched maybe 20 minutes of football today. . .fucking jail.

  22. Breed looked bad. His receivers looked bad, too. Washed up or a team that quit is the question.

  23. Oh, man, I wonder how many screensavers or whatever this picture will become:


  24. Ha ha, I botched the fantasy football championship again. Two times in a row now.

    At least after adding things up, even if I put my best of the bench out there, I would have lost. . . . . always the bridesmaid. . . .

  25. Man, this headcase Marshawn Lynch is. . . . man, I have no idea how to describe it. Look for yourself: http://deadspin.com/marshawn-lynchs-non-answers-to-stupid-questions-have-re-1674047978

  26. It's the same crap with him using essentially the same answer to questions from the press. I wonder what motivated his anger towards the press. He's not yelling at these guys, sure, but he knows yelling at them would get him in trouble, mostly in the form of fines. So he does the "thanks for asking" routine or "yeah" routine.

    Speculation on my part, but I think Lynch sees the press as the enemy, particularly of players like him who come from his background and embrace a certain lifestyle. He probably feels the press is unduly harsh on black players who come from the hood that wear grilles and shit like that.

    There's probably some truth to that feeling, if indeed that is what Marshawn is thinking when he pulls this stuff.

    Another thought is the requirement by the NFL for players to talk to the press. I don't think it should be required of the players. Even the quarterbacks. The coaches? Yeah. They're management. But the players? Nah. If they don't want to talk, let them stand mute. Moreover, there are plenty of players who love talking to the press. It's not like they'll be starved of interviews.

    Remember Ricky Williams? Man, always felt for that guy. He was so shy.

  27. Lynch says thanks for *axin'.*

    Yeah, I think it's definitely a nigger thing. It's *weak* to answer an old white man's jock sniffer questions. These old white guys, watching them take showers, sneaking peeks at their cocks, then asking them questions they think are patronizing (even though they don't know what patronizing means). They grew up seeing Michael Irvin and Deon Sanders tap dancing for these guys, and were rightly ashamed for their race.

    What will be funny is when a white athlete tries to pull the same stunt. . .

  28. There was some cracker basketball player who played black who got bitch slapped by the Jew press....Jason Williams? West Virginia guy. Anyway, he was ornery with the press for a while, had character problems, then got docile. He wasn't a great player, not elite, but decent. Anyway, he got docile. He knew his place, or found his place. Suddenly the magnifier was gone. Latrell probably helped.

    I think the white athletes take coaching or advice better. We had a guy in Atlanta, hockey, Danny Heatley, who nearly killed himself and killed a teammate in a wreck. Totally Danny's fault. The guy, man,he should have served time. Anyway, he made all the right moves to extract himself from a bad situation. Talked the right talk and then shut up. And then got traded. His request.

    Doomed Atlanta ever having NHL hockey again. But he listened to the right guys.

  29. Tell you who is set for a crash. JJ Watt.

    I think the guy is a game changer but his goodie two shoes act is wearing thin. There's something else going on there.

  30. I agree 100%. Might very well be a faggot. The Rock Hudson of the NFL. He'll have a celebrity *girlfriend* by the start of next season. The League will find him one, just like they did for Aaron Rodgers.

  31. I've seen it too often when the media makes someone a darling. That Te'o guy with that cancer stricken gf for example. He lapped it up. I don't get these guys. They set themselves up for a crash. Chipper Jones did it and then we found out he was banging a Hooters waitress behind his first wife's back.

    Why do they do it? It's gotta be some problem with their ego. They can't just be a rich athlete. They need more.

    If I were them, I'd shun social media, the press, and any kind of story from anyone about being a good guy. They always fall. Always.
