Tuesday, November 22, 2016

NFL Week 12 Picks

3-3-1 vs the spread last week, 36-35-1 for the year. . .

Ha! Did Pete Carroll walk into an Assistant Coaches store one day, wander down the Eternally Optimistic Good Sport aisle, spot the Bald w/Moustache+Goatee model Defensive Coordinator, and say, "I'll take two of those?"

Pete Carroll's last two DCs, Dan Quinn and Gus Bradley, are the same fucking guy!  Not only do they look alike, they have the same 12 Step Program *Serenity To Accept The Things They Cannot Change* mentality, even in the face of the most bitter defeats:

As quintessential Good Sports, they both give credit to the opponent their team gives a game away to, then proceed to find the proverbial Silver Lining in the Dark Cloud of Defeat. Bradley especially must have a drawer full of these babies:

The Apostle Paul had this to say about testing a man's work to reveal his philosophical foundation:

Now if any man build upon this foundation gold, silver, precious stones, wood, hay, stubble; every man’s work shall be made manifest: for the day shall declare it, because it shall be revealed by fire; and the fire shall try every man’s work of what sort it is.

With his 14-44 career record, Bradley's seen more than enough flames to prove he's a True Believer.  And there he was again Sunday, after his team's latest disaster, giving away a game when one of the Jaguar defensive linemen fell for the oldest trick in the book, getting suckered into jumping offside on a 4th-and-1 late in the final quarter. . .Bradley remained ever-positive and upbeat, cheering his pathetic squad's effort even while knowing, deep down, their bungling play has left him just 6 games to coach before his head hits the chopping block.

Yes, after enduring four years of Jacksonville Hell, Gus Bradley's gotta be a Master Disciple of the 12 Step School.  

As for Dan Quinn, we have the winner's paradox: he hasn't lost enough to reveal the authenticity of the gospel he preaches.  

In the eyes of the world, Gus Bradley is a loser.  But he's a High Priest in the Cult of Perpetual Defeat, where no loss is ever final, and where the sad-sack who falls off the wagon achieves victory simply by cheerfully starting all over again.

But a word to the wise, Gus: A prophet is not without honor, except in his own home:

Minnesota +3 at Detroit: It's late November and the Lions are actually playing a game that matters?!?!  First place in the NFC North Pole Division is on the line in this battle between very flawed elf teams.  The Vikings snapped a four game losing streak against Arizona with a couple fluke 100 yard plays, and in the process sent Cardinal HC Bruce Arians to the ER with *chest pains.*  Both teams have horrible offensive lines and non-existent run games.  The Lions are better at QB, WR and kicker.  The Vikings are superior all across the board on defense, and are better coached.  Defense travels.  Defense wins championships.  Minnesota.

Washington +7.5 at Dallas: 9 in a row for Dallas and their negro wonder boy rookies, Prescott and Elliott.  The Redskins are on a pretty good streak as well, 6-1-1 since starting the season 0-2, but most of those games have been against the NFL's middle class, teams hovering at or just above or just below .500, so it's hard to tell how good they really are.  The Law of Averages in the National Parity League says the Cowboys are due for a loss, but the Law of Averages also says shitty coach Jay Gruden is also due for a loss.  I'll take the team getting the points.  Washington.

Arizona +4 at Atlanta: At the time I type this, Bruce Arians is still alive, and still expected to coach this game, having recovered from *chest pains* after watching his team give away a game to the Vikings. As it turns out, Arians is something of a hypochondriac, having multiple hospital calls during his long coaching career, claiming ear infections, kidney stones, migraines, even colon and prostate cancer.  If he really did suffer all those ailments, how come he's so fat?  Usually the terminally ill are pencil thin.  Anyway, the Cardinals have been a major disappointment, mainly due to the decline of Carson Palmer.  Palmer's looked washed up a couple times prior, but this time, at age 37, he might be finished for good.  Arizona's defense is still decent, and they have a running back, David Johnson, who could cause Atlanta's mediocre defense some problems.  They should be able to hang around for most of the game, but in the 4th quarter, when they need Palmer to make a play or two, they'll be out of luck.  Atlanta scores late to win the game and cover.  Atlanta.

Los Angeles +7 at New Orleans:  Trish Goff vs Drew Brees. . .'nuff said.  New Orleans.


TCU +2.5 at Texas: The failed Texas nigger head coach Charlie Strong has been playing the victim ever since his Longhorns did the impossible and lost to Kansas, and it became apparent he wasn't merely on the *hot seat,* but would undoubtedly be fired.  Strong used his Monday press conference to once again blame his sorry-ass 16-20 record (the worst head coaching record in the proud history of UT football) on Mack Brown once (for *leaving the cupboard bare*), Mack Brown twice (for leaving him with 9 bad apples he had to kick off the team), and Media (for creating *noise* which caused his players, who love him so much, to try too hard to save his job, causing them to choke on the field).  Strong has always painted himself as a victim. . .he claims he was passed over for jobs in the SEC (for which he assumes we will believe he was qualified) because he has a white wife, for example.  Because of his race and his constant crying about being victimized, Media always portrays Brown in the best possible light, saying what a *great man* he is, a *great leader,* etc., etc. while covering up his extra-marital affair at Louisville and not mentioning how little loyalty he has, firing assistant coaches at the drop of a dime to scapegoat them for Texas' sorry-ass play.  I can't believe any Big Time program doesn't know the truth, that Strong is a shitty coach who failed at Texas, and I'd be shocked if he ever got a Big Time job again. . .but I won't be shocked when he cries how hard it is for nigger coaches to get a second chance.  As for the game, TCU's defense has completely fallen apart, and monster Texas RB D'Onta Foreman should have no problem getting another 200 yard performance, sending crybaby Strong off into the sunset with a meaningless victory he will claim proves *how close* Texas is.  Texas.     

Michigan +7 at Ohio State: Michigan has the better defense, but it is a gambling defense that can get burned for the big play.  Against bottom-feeder teams like Rutgers and Maryland, it's no problem, but it almost got them beat by Colorado, but they managed to KO the Buffaloes QB before he could beat them on points.  JT Barrett is very similar to the Colorado QB, and is probably the difference maker in what on paper looks like a toss-up game.  Ohio State.


  1. haha, shit, Carrol DID get two for the price of one. It takes two looks to see that it's a different guy. Imagine if Quinn and Bradley lived in the same town and one was a street robber and the other was some regular law abiding schlub - "uh, ma'am, describe your robber."

    The cops would be picking up the wrong guy half the time.

    MN vs Detroit - I'm going with Detroit but only to go against you. I almost feel like Detroit winning perturbs you but not in a mean way - more of a humorous way. Like in that "sonofabitch, how are these stumblebums fucking winning this shit???" That and Detroit has been highway robbed in so many ways it would be like seeing the compulsive gambler finally get the Big Win in Vegas when you know the house is supposed to always win to see them make an unlikely run to the SB and win.

    Washington vs Dallas - Washington on points but Dallas to win. CousINTs may return, even against that Dallas defense, or maybe not, but the Dallas offense is too much either way. But those points seem high.

    Arizona vs Atlanta - Going with Atlanta on this one. Palmer DOES look washed up, but he now looks like a Hollywood quarterback. The audience knows he's too old to play the part but root for him anyway, or maybe because of it. I don't know but Kevin Costner did a movie about being a baseball pitcher and Costner looked like some washed up bum 10 years past his softball prime. That's kind of what Palmer looks like now. Atlanta, points and all.

    LA vs NOLA - only 7 points is the question here. We all know NOLA's defense is atrocious but against Goff, all defenses are good. NOLA, and NOLA bigly.

    Charlie Strong. What can you say? Maybe Old Spice can put him in one of their bizarro ads? But one thing we can now say is UT is inoculated from charges that it won't hire a black coach. That should buy the program 10 years at least, maybe even 20 and by then, football will be fading from its present "glory" anyway.

    It'll probably be soccer by then. Shit, Americans may be calling that kickball shit "football" by then.

    At least we should still have youtube.


  2. Ha! Great game! And Hank Stram calling it! And no cunts walking the sidelines axing stupid questions! REAL FOOTBALL. On that first series, the Steelers had a 3rd-and-1. . .they gave the ball to Franco Harris. . .first down, no problem. No faggy two yard pass to the tightend.

    I'd hate to see the Lions win the Division, because that means Caldwell will be back. . .but on the other hand, if they do win the division, that means the playoffs 2 outta his 3 years. . .the guy is a horrible game day coach, but I guess he might know what he's doing Mon - Sat. . .the players certainly don't quit on him.

    This guy here is a helluva actor, was fantastic in True Detective Season 1. . .but he don't know shit about football:


  3. McConaughey has some shit out there where he's giving a "motivational" speech to the players and it is such a flop. He tried to get into character and it didn't work.

    He should go back to banging high school girls who, while he gets older, they stay the same age, alright alright alright

    And what with McConaughey's face? It looks waxed. And there's some weird "tan" thing going on with him.

    Honestly, if the guy didn't make it in movies, he looks like someone who'd deal meth.

    That SF/Pitt game is pretty good. The lack of the "storylines" or whatever that goes on now was nice. It shows how much the NFL stuff today has turned more and more into soap opera/reality television. The lack of busy graphics everywhere is also nice.

    There are some things lacking like the first down line, playclock, time clock, but those things were actual improvements. The constant ticker on the bottom along with ads and shit has not been an improvement.

    HD has been an improvement, too. But as far as calling the game and no bullshit sideline whores?

    It's much better. Who can really say Erin Andrews adds much to the game? She'll probably show up today in some kind of pigtails and a knitted scarf - she's out there as some sort of fashionista/eye-candy for the slobs at home.

    Honestly, in this day and age of being able to see whatever you want to see on the internet, is eye candy all that needed on the sideline? Weren't the cheerleaders enough?

    It's funny - we're supposed to get behind the idea that Andrews is a journalist, a real reporter, but why then the tight outfits meant to draw the eye? "Respect me for my brain!!!"

    Said every whore with her tits flopping out at a professional job.

  4. 2nd-and-inches and 3rd-and-inches, and the Lions throw it! Ridiculous! Not only no first down to keep game winning td drive alive, gives Vikes plenty of time to get FG. Stupid fag football.

  5. Bradford can't be trusted to throw the ball even 10 yards downfield!!

  6. That nigger Charlie Strong is the biggest self-pitier I ever seen. After his players laid another egg, he went into the same tired victim excuse.. .outsiders doubting him created too much pressure for his players to deal with. What he don't realize with that sad-ass excuse is that it makes his players look like a bunch timid, angst-ridden teen girls who sob ever time they look in a mirror.

  7. Looks like the Falcons put a beat-down on the Cardinals. . .that's it for Arizona. . .what will Arians claim next? Gout? Shingles?

  8. Biggest surprise? Tampa pushed Seattle around pretty good. Dallas *looks* like the only great team in the NFC. . .but I still wonder if Prescott is for real. The NFC might be wide open.

  9. It's surprising Arians hasn't had another medical "episode."

    The game of the week so far was that Raiders/Panthers game. Newton didn't look good in the first half. There's something going on with him, whether it's injuries or he's so worked up over feeling persecuted by the refs. What does look good is the Raiders defense. Carr also is a legit qb. Madden also said of Del Rio something like, "when he walks into a room, a man walks into that room and the team responds."

    The Falcons got lucky in their win. There were at least 2 interceptions the Cardinals left on the field.

    The Cowboys o-line is for real and that runner is for real.

    You could plug in so many quarterbacks into that system and have it work, but Prescott looks really good. He doesn't press. He'll run out of bounds and throw the ball away. He makes good decisions.

  10. I never understood why Jacksonville fired Del Rio. . .he won playoff games with horrible quarterbacks, his teams always over-achieved. . .

    Carr is definitely for real. . .he can make the throws when the game is on the line. . .
