Wednesday, December 14, 2016

NFL Week 15 Picks

4-2 vs the spread last week, 45-41-2 for the year. . .

Los Angeles +14 at Seattle: Somebody Goofed Big-Time in the Rams organization!  And the selection of Jared gOOf doomed Jeff Fisher.  Fisher apparently knew from the get-go gOOf sucked, as he sat him for Case Keenum, who himself is a goofball QB.  But the idiot fans and Media kept clamoring for gOOf, and the front office probably kept pressuring Fisher, also.  Fisher finally broke, and sat Keenum, whose borderline mediocrity could have gotten the Rams to 7-9 or 8-8 and kept Fisher employed.  Fisher must have crossed his fingers when he threw gOOf out there, for he had to know what the results would be: loss after loss after loss, with the last couple being embarrassing ass-kickings.  Last week #44 for Atlanta *sacked* gOOf with a pinky promise:
Never seen a QB go down so EZ, and I have to believe his teammates took note, as their level of effort seriously declined as they realized what a sissy QB they have for a *leader.*  Todd Gurley was upset about this on the sideline, but he'll learn. . .in college you can get away with a fag QB, there's a lot of rah-rah school spirit and shit to keep dumb kids motivated, but at the next level, when you're one play away from having mashed potatoes for brains, players ain't gonna *leave it all on the field* for a faggot QB who'll just end up costing them the game, anyway.  The next coach for the Rams better get a guarantee from management that he can move on from gOOf, and not have some impossible mandate to *fix* him, because gOOf looks to be the biggest coach-killer to hit the National Football League since Joey Harrington.  As for the Seahawks, they continue to play like an NFL bottom-feeder on the road, as they got crushed in Green Bay. . .but now they're back at home, and won't even need their usual helping of home-cookin' from the zebras to beat the Rams.  Seattle.   

Green Bay -6.5 at Chicago: What's gotten into Aaron Rodgers (butt)?  He's back to his Glory (Hole) Days the last three weeks.  Still, I'm not sold on the Fudge Packers winning out and saving their season.  Rodgers may be doing a little too much fudge packing himself, as he seems to have over-exerted his thighs and calves, he looks like he's about one scramble away from having to hit the bench.  Record-wise, the Bears are in the same league as the Rams, Jets and 49ers, but as with Jacksonville, they actually have a solid defense, and if they could just get a difference maker at QB, they could flip their 1-5 record in games decided by 7 points or less.  This will be a low-scoring cold weather game, and with the Bears getting a generous 6.5 points, it's an EZ pick:  Chicago.  

Detroit +4.5 at New York Giants: Poor Lions fans. . .just when it looked like Dee-troit had the North Pole division and a home playoff game locked up, Matthew Stafford gets his middle finger broken, and now the entire Mitten State is in a state of depression, envisioning Stafford throwing the ball like Derek *busted pinky* Carr did against the Chiefs, and the Lions losing their last 3 games and missing the playoffs.  The Giants are almost a mirror-image of the Lions.  Both teams are 9-4, with 8 wins by 7 points or less.  Neither team can run the ball, and both have underwhelming statistical defenses that somehow manage to hold most teams under 20 points.  The difference in this game?  No broken finger for Eli Manning.  New York.  

Indianapolis +4 at Minnesota: This is an Elimination Bowl, as the loser can kiss their playoff hopes goodbye.  Andrew Luck is the League's most over-rated QB, but he's still 10x better than the Vikings faggot Samantha Bradford.  But that's the Colts only edge.  Everything else favors the home team.  Minnesota.

San Francisco +13.5 at Atlanta: The 49ers somehow blew a 17-3 home lead against a Jets team that had already quit on the season, and now they gotta go to Atlanta to play a team battling for a Division title.  December football was supposed to be tough, but apparently the National Football League had an SEC guy do the Falcons schedule.  Last week they got to tee off on Jared gOOf, this week they get the clown quarterback Colin Halfernigger!  More highlight reel sacks for Atlanta's #44.  Atlanta.    

Tampa Bay +7 at Dallas: One loss and already there's a QB controversy on the Dallas horizon.  I think that's got to mess with the rookie nigger QB's head. . .one poor game and already Romo whispers are being heard. . .if Tampa can keep the Dallas rookie nigger running back from breaking the big runs, and keep the heat on the rookie nigger QB, I think the QB breaks.  UPSET SPECIAL.  Tampa Bay.  


  1. LA vs Seattle - Seattle. Even with the 14 points. This Fisher business is strange. First, nobody believes any management type who says the org will stick with this or that guy or even whether they'll stick with a city. Hell, look at the Rams! They were going to stay in St. Louis! Are the Rams still getting a new stadium in Inglewood? Can the taxpayers reject it? The team looks pathetic and the firing of a coach midseason is the dumbed move I've ever seen. See, then you have to go with an interim who will likely not be the HC next season. What exactly are they trying to prove with firing Fisher midseason? Why not wait for the season to end and let that stink stay with Fisher rather than poison some sad sack interim? It doesn't make business sense or morale sense. See, if you fire Fisher the day after the last game of the season you can say something like, "we came to an agreement that it's best for both parties to go separate ways" or some bullshit but more importantly, it provides a clean bookend for the following season's team to separate the 2017 season from the 2016. That'll happen to a degree anyway but why not wait? It's not like the next coach is going to turn this season around.

    I don't even like Jeff Fisher. Never have. Thought he was an asshole in Tennessee and haven't seen anything to change the mind but LA looks like a clown college with this shit. And that GM? He needs to go, too, if they're getting rid of Fisher. In fact, anyone who advocated for Goff needs to go. And the Rams should get rid of Goff now if they're serious about winning in the next 5 years. Goff is a one way ticket to shit city for 5 years. It'll take them 2 years to figure out he sucks, try him for another year, release him for nothing and have paid all that money, and take 2 years to make something else a winning combo.

    No, cut the noose now and take the 10 foot fall to the ground. Goff is a hangman's sentence. Hah, he IS Harrington all over in so many ways. How long did that take for Detroit to get over than hangover?

    Cut it off now. Take the hit now. Move on now.

    GB and CHI - Gonna have to go with GB.

    Detroit vs NY - Detroit. Points and all. This is a game that NY should win. This is a game where Eli should outperform Stafford. This is a game that is easy to pick on paper. Which is all a big reason why Eli will fuck it up.

    The middle finger oddly enough isn't as key as the pinky as far as getting clean balls down field. A middle or wring fighter, ring finger being the best one to fuck up for throwing, is much better than a pinky and the worst has to be index. The pinky and index are, and this sounds crazy, the worst ones to hurt. You can squeeze down harder with the index and then ring and pinky if the middle is fucked. And Stafford isn't a pussy. It could be a factor in 40 yard plus passes, but Stafford is going to shrug this shit off. And good pain killers.

    Indy vs MN - another "who fuckin' cares" NFL game. MN.

    SF vs Atlanta - I wonder whether the Falcons will tap the brakes in this game so the points aren't covered? In any case, Atlanta to win though I'll take SF on points because Atlanta will probably rest some guys earlier.

    TB vs. Dallas - TB on points, no doubt about it. Dallas to win.

    What the hell with Jerry Jones fucking with Prescott's head like that? This shit is baffling. Is he trying to make Tony happy via a QB controversy? Take a rookie QB who has taken over for the injured, but now healthy, and popular long time Dallas QB and then fuck with his head that he's on the bubble after taking that team how many games in a row? After one loss?

    That is no way to play. Prescott will be looking to not lose rather than look to win. And as much as Jones may like Romo, Romo won't be a QB in 5 years. Short of some career ending shit, Prescott will be a QB in 5 years.

  2. Harrington was the biggest mistake Millen made. . .they joke about all the crappy receivers he drafted, but those were small potatoes compared to Harrington, because he wasted 4 years on that faggot, when it was obvious from day 1 he was a faggot and nobody on the team liked him. On the rare occasion he did throw a TD pass, he'd run down the field looking for a teammate to celebrate with, and nobody would go near him. . .he sprint down field, then have to circle awkwardly back to sideline and sit on the bench by himself. What a fag! 4 years of that cancer. Then Millen had to try the journeyman QB route with Kitna for a couple years with the fans coming after him with pitchforks. Thankfully he never got the chance not to draft Stafford. Millen woulda probably drafted Sanchez: *he's nfl-ready now!*

    Ha! I think that faggot Harrington got hit by a bus after he washed out of football. Think he was riding a bike and a truck plowed into him. Truck driver was probably a Lions fan.

  3. Harrington still doesn't look as bad as Goff. Goff is that bad. He won't go nutty like Leaf (don't think, anyway) but he's bad. There isn't anything there to save.

    Hah, yeah, Joey Blue Skies DID get hit biking around. Remembering it, he went up to the roof. I can't get the image out of my head. Joey, probably wearing that Lycra bike shit complete with helmet, just peddling along a highway when some truck comes along thinking, "fuck this guy, I'm getting up on his ass!" and Joey looks back and "brake checks" the guy and BAM!

    Joey's face probably smeared across the windshield and for a moment the driver thought, looking at the contorted lips pressed up on the windshield with gums exposed and nose pushed sideways for that millisecond in time when the brain takes a snapshot and saves it like a Polaroid, "fuck, is that that faggot Harrington Detroit wasted 4 years on?"

    At least that's how I envision it.

  4. Too bad he didn't get hit by that chick that plowed into a guy and then drove home with him stuck in her windshield. . .

  5. Oh man, there was a case years ago where these two early 20's guys got wasted at a bar and drove home because one of them was sick. The sick guy was the passenger and had his head out of the window, probably vomiting, and his drunk driving friend accidentally went off road for a moment and got too close to a guy wire.

    It decapitated the sick guy. The only damage on the truck was a missing mirror.

    The guy drove home, apparently not knowing what happened exactly, parked his truck in the driveway, left the truck running, and went inside and passed out.

    A neighbor the next morning was walking her dog and noticed the decapitated man in the truck, call the police, the police found the guy's head a few miles back, and woke the driver up. The guy was still drunk as shit and had blood all over him.

    He did a few years in prison. The victim's family pleaded for leniency.

    My point? It's too bad Harrington didn't have a drinking problem with that driver.
