Wednesday, November 18, 2015

NFL Week 11 Picks

2-3 vs the spread last week, 33-30-2 for the year. . .

Tennessee +2.5 at Jacksonville: Ha ha ha. . .this is what the
National Football League is all about: 8 tiny divisions to keep almost every team a *contender* all season long.  The *winner* of this NFL bum fight will remain in the *race* for the AFC South *crown.*  Jacksonville is better across the board, and if they had decent coaching, they could actually win the South. Blake Bortles has improved dramatically from his sorry-ass rookie year, and now has a decent running back in T.J. Yeldon to go along with a decent receiving corps.  Marcus Mariota looks like he's having a pretty good rookie season. . .on paper. . .in real-life, he looks like a nickel-and-dimer, cut from the Mark Sanchez cloth.  He'll start for two or three more years, then, like Sanchez, move around the League to whoever needs a back-up.  Jacksonville.

Oakland -2 at Detroit: The Lions ended a 24 year road losing streak in Green Bay last week in a game that said more about the sudden decline of the Packers than about any possible Detroit revival.  In fact, the Lions had their usual share of turnovers, dumb penalties, head-scratching coaching *strategies,* missed extra points, and yet another Calvin *Megaphony* Johnson end game fumble. . .but still somehow managed to *beat* the Bizarro Packers.  The Packers are a much easier match-up for Detroit's slow defense than the Raiders, as Derek Carr has a legitimate deep threat in Amari Cooper and a big-play running back in Latavius Murray, whereas GB has nothing but lead-foots at WR and RB.  Grab all the Raiders in Fantasy Football, they will light up the Lions.  Oakland.

Indianapolis +6 at Atlanta: The Falcons need to win this game if they want to stay in the WC driver's seat. . .this is the EZist game left on their schedule, as the Colts have a lame duck coach and a lame QB, 40 yr old Matt Hasselbeck. . .and RB Frank Gore has more miles on him than a Paris ambulance.  The Falcons have lost 3 of their last 4, and need to get back to business: run the fucking ball.  They gave up way too early on the run against the 49ers, and tried win with Air Ryan--the dumb strategy that cost Mike Smith his job.  Hopefully rookie coach Dan Quinn used the bye week to regroup and get his mind right, otherwise the Falcons 5-0 start will go up in smoke.  Atlanta.

Denver +1 at Chicago: Something named Brock Osweiler replaces Fantasy Football legend Peyton Manning for the Broncos.  Whatever a Brock Osweiler is, it has to be an upgrade over Manning, who is missing more body parts than a Paris suicide bomber.  John Fox has a horrible Bears roster at 4-5, just a Falcons stumble away from being back in the WC race.  And it's not unreasonable to expect this largely talent-less team to make a playoff run, because Fox has QB Jayne Cutler playing the best football of her career.  They say you meet the same people on the way down as you met on the way up--that's true for the Broncos this week, as they get beat down by their former coach.  Chicago.  

Dallas EVEN at Miami: Tony Homo is back for the Cowboys, and he ain't in much better shape than Peyton Manning. . .and he's about to face a Donkeykong Suh who is starting to play like a 60 million dollar defensive tackle.  And that's the only interesting thing about this match-up between two teams going absolutely nowhere: will Suh make Jerry Jones regret his stupid decision to rush Homo back onto the field to play in a meaningless game?  Let's hope so.  Miami.

Green Bay +1 at Minnesota: 6-3 Green Bay will only win one or two more games this year, because last week they lost at home to Matthew Stafford, who has NEVER won a road game over a team that finished the season with a winning record.  NEVER.  Anyway, the Packers are in a stunning free-fall, no longer looking anything remotely close to the Super Bowl pick many had them as just three weeks ago.  Defenses are finally realizing that without Jordy Nelson, Aaron Rodgers has nobody who can get open more than 10 yards downfield.  Even the shitty Lion defense was able to sit on Rodgers, and choke down the GB run game.  There is NO HOPE the Packers can figure a way out of their boxed-in offense against a disciplined Viking defense. Mike Zimmer has taken the last place Vikings and moved them past the North's perennial champion in only a year-and-a-half.  The guy has a very effeminate and passive-aggressive personality, but he may be the best fucking coach in the National Football League.  I've watched more than a few Vikings games in the last 2 years, and other than the inexplicable opening dud in San Francisco this year, they've always been ready to play, made the best half-time adjustments, and played mentally and physically tough football for the entire 60 minutes.  If this guy ever gets a Big Time QB, look out. He can go on a Belichick run.  Minnesota.


  1. Oh man, I remember Bum Fights from way back. Ole Rufus the Stunt Bum going around in a grocery cart, doing Jackass stunts, running head first into sidewalk signs and getting tatted up on the knuckles and forehead. Then there was some Steve Irwin lookalike playing the "Bum Hunter" and "tagging" bums sleeping in "their natural habitat." The makers of the "film" bragged about helping these poor fellows by providing them fast food and booze when criticized for exploitation. It was something.

    Last I heard Rufus works some sort of handyman gig at an apartment or something and the boss is getting his tattoos removed.

    Man, that video freaked me out a bit but I couldn't help but watch, the sick voyeurism of it all.

    TN vs Jax - the question is whether Jax stays in Jax. It doesn't depend on this game, but that's the bigger story. Eh, TN wins? It's like Rufus fighting a bum in the movie. Who cares? Well, except I'm not watching this mess.

    Oak vs Det - how is Oak not favored more? GB lost, sure, but as you say that wasn't about Det winning but how far GB seems to be sinking. Oak wins

    Indy vs Atlanta - Indy wins. The Falcons are a mess. Everything is catching up to them. The defense looks like it's back to the amoeba style and Quinn got lucky. What's worse is Jones can't shake the injuries. He's out every couple plays and White even looks old in the face.

    Den vs Chi - Chi because of Fox alone. Manning suddenly came up with planter something or the other? For this game? No, he's scared of losing to the old coach. Chicago wins.

    Dallas vs Mia - Dallas. Only in belief that Romo can come back well. And Suh only plays when he wants. Suh figures he's due another break.

    MN vs GB - MN. The vikes are finally getting it together. It was puzzling how a team with AP couldn't get shit together, but maybe Zimmer's ways are working for the team. I can imagine the coaching he does. "If you guys don't start playing well, maybe your checks come up a little short? Or maybe I accidently lock them in my desk and lose the key? You know? Maybe I tell the laundry guy to dye your jock straps pink? I mean, if you can't play better, I mean, I'll just not give my full effort to coaching! How would ya like that?"

    MN somehow wins

  2. The problem for big receivers like Jones and Johnson is they present such a large target. . .they take big hits week after week, unlike small receivers. . .a guy like Steve Smith can play for 15 years, whereas the shelf life for a Jones or Johnson is 10.

  3. Urban Meyer badly out-coached by Dantonio. . .Buckeyes thoroughly whipped, game wasn't nearly as close as the score. Spartans gave OSU all 14 of their points. . .played with second-string QBs, and still won. Dominated both lines. Meyer coached not to lose, was not watching his lines get manhandled. . .terrible coaching job.

  4. Rough day for the Mad Hatter. . .his time might be up. Imagine, the LSU and USC jobs both open. Which job is better? I think I'd take LSU, no UCLA right down the street.

  5. How LSU could let Miles go after so much success after this rough patch is beyond me. Is there an improvement out there? UGA would do well to have Miles.

  6. Richt might not have survived if they lost to GaSouthern. . .

  7. As for Miles---it's *what have you done for me, lately?* The fans and boosters are tired of playing second fiddle to Bama. . .and maybe now falling behind Ole Miss.

  8. It seems Miles has a young team that will be better next year. They had a bad performance last night, certainly. If Miles is gone, he's 62. A fairly decent 62. He'd be in demand.

  9. Falcons doing OK? Just got in, looked at the box score. Did Freeman get hurt, looks like Coleman is getting all the carries?

  10. Just got to watching it. Birds are doing well. Their defense is doing well.

  11. Spoke too soon. Colts are only 7 behind now and, after a fumble, back with the ball.

  12. Matty Ice just melted and cracked off a pick 6. Tied game.

    Those kinds of mistakes wouldn't hurt so much of it were a hoss QB, ya know? When they come from what looks like an accountant, it hurts more.

  13. Ton of respect for Hasselbeck. The guy is a gamer.

  14. Hah, Indy takes first lead of the day with 57 seconds left in the 4th.

    Matty Melt needs to play. Wonderful.

  15. Do people in Atlanta think Ryan is *elite?*

  16. They did at least. They'll talk about the comebacks in the 4th.

    Look, he's serviceable but not worth the contract he got. And there is the game. Over.

    He's alright but will never be Brady. Flacco would have been a better pick but Blank wanted an anti-Vick

  17. You see the line on Brock Osweiler? 2 td, zero int for 250.

    And a win.

    See, that's the kind of QB a team can win with. Get a QB to do that in any game and a good coach can win.

    20/27. That chews up clock in all the right ways.

  18. Terrible loss for Atlanta. . .

    Terrible win for Detroit, fucking up their draft pick. . .

  19. Does Manning ever start another game?

  20. Osweiller should play next week. No doubt. No longer interceptions and 2 tds is exactly what that team needs.

    If Denver is about winning, they need to put in the guys who make that most likely.

  21. Man, I bet there were some boo birds in Philly today. . .Tampa destroyed the Eagles. . .maybe old Lovie finally has it going with the Bucs, thanks to the Falcons losing, they are back in the WC race

  22. Goodell got on the phone to the refs and said we can't let the Packers lose 4 in a row. . .
