Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Wild Card Playoff Picks

1-2 vs the spread last week, 53-46-2 for the year. . .

Oakland +3.5 at Houston: Ha ha ha ha!  Matt McGroin or Connor Cook vs Broke Assweipler or Tom Savage. . .has there ever been a worse QB combination for a Professional Football playoff game?  And there's no room for Tim Tebow in the NFL?  But anyways, Houston's defense is much better than Oakland's, and they have home field advantage. . .but Oakland's getting points in a game in which both teams will struggle to score. . .but Jack Del Rio still hasn't recovered emotionally from Derek Carr's injury, the Raiders looked traumatized against a shitty Denver team run by a shell-shocked coach. . .so. . .Houston.  

Detroit +8 at Seattle: Huh?  What are the Lions doing in the playoffs?  Oh, Jay Gruden and Kirk CousINTs couldn't win a home game against a Giants team with nothing to play for, so Dee-troit backs into the Wild Card with a three game losing streak.  The Lions are by far the worst of the 12 playoff teams, with a defense that has played its two worst games the last two weeks, and an offense that plays good for one half, and then has no answers in the second half, and for some reason forgets about their white running back.  Seattle's run game has disappeared, and their defense isn't what it used to be. . .they look ripe for an upset, but the Lions ain't the team to do it. . .the Lions have the stink of the born loser, as perfectly evidenced when they stopped Lavender Bay on a third down with 5 minutes left in the game, and would have forced a punt and got the ball back only 6 points down, but linebacker DeAndre Levy didn't hustle off the field in time, and the Lions got hit with a 12 men on the field penalty, so, first down Fudge Packers, drive extended, Rodgers takes full advantage, TD, game over, typical Lions born loser move. . .so, no, they ain't gonna beat a very beatable Seattle team, and Matthew Stafford ain't never gonna carry a team on his shoulders the way faggot Aaron Rodgers carries the Lavender Bay Fudge Packers. . .Lions won't even keep this one close. . .and even if they do, you know the zebras will give the Seahawks whatever home cookin' they need to ensure the National Football League gets its shiny Seattle - Atlanta divisional round game.  Seattle

Miami +10 at Pittsburgh: 10 points?  I'll take 10 points against dumb nigger coach Mike Tomlin anytime (and Terry Bradshaw was right).  And besides, Ryan Tannehill ain't that much better than Matt Moore.  The Dolphins ain't missing much at the QB spot. Give me Miami, and Donkeykong Suh's gonna knock Big Ben outta this game, anyway.  Miami.

New York Giants +4.5 at Lavender Bay: The Giants are one of the worst 11 win teams ever.  Their defense is pretty solid, but defense don't seem to matter much, anymore.  5 of the top 7 teams in total defense MISSED the playoffs.  Atlanta gives up 370 yards a game, and is probably the 2nd or 3rd choice behind the Patriots to win the Super Bowl.  The Fudge Packers defense is lousy, but I see no way the Giants hang with them. . .plus the NFL will make sure the zebras guarantee a dream Lavender Bay - Dallas divisional round game. Lavender Bay.


  1. First, it's been said before but it has to be said again - the Rams Goffed. 13/20 with no interceptions for 120 yards is GOOD for Gooff but then notice he fumbled twice. Didn't lose the ball but two fucking fumbled. Yeah, the o line is bad but how much of that is because that o line doesn't believe in Gooff? Moreover, Gooff doesn't know how to move around in the pocket. He's easy pickings back there. LA is fucked for 5 years.

    Fisher wasn't fired. He was humanly put down.

    Oak vs Hou - Jack Del Rio is still weeping. Look at his still reddened eyes. Houston takes this.

    Det vs Seattle - in Seattle? If the Lions can't continue their run game in the second half, which is where run games really pick up steam, they can't fucking win. Detroit possessed the ball for less than 9 minutes in the second half. How can any defense hold on for that long? Seattle wins this one.

    Miami vs Pittsburgh - this is easy for 10 points. Cheerleader Tomlin will be using his pom-poms as tissues after this is over. Miami. All the way.

    NY vs GB - GB has this game. NY doesn't seem strong at all. Washington should have been easier for them. GB.

  2. http://www.espn.com/blog/nflnation/post/_/id/227621/2016-nfl-officiating-awards-best-and-worst-calls-most-penalized-player-and-more

    Two worst calls of the season, both against Dee-troit. . .no surprise. Wait for Saturday night, the Lions will get buried with pass interference and holding calls, and at least one phony late hit on half-nigger Wilson. Watch Sherman grab and hold all night, penalty free.

  3. No surprise at all, though that hold on Julio earlier this year was blatant.

    What is it with the officiating and the Seahaws? Does Pete Carrol have embarrassing pictures of the refs?

    Cool news because he was a good coach and a great guy - Mike Smith is looking to HC some NFL team. He's looking at Jax or SD. He'd probably be best off going with Jax so he can rebuild.

    Smith really got a lot more shit than he should have gotten for that timeout situation. It was lunacy to want to fire a guy for a timeout fuck up when his use of timeouts otherwise was good.

    The outrage was overblown. "He has to be fired, right?!?!?!" said some broad who knows somewhere between jack and shit about football.

    Hopefully Smith gets another shot and does well. He was a really great guy and his steady coaching dug the Falcons out of a situation that was incredibly bleak what with the Petrino short stint and the Michael Vick felony conviction.

    That and Art Blank is the most detestable owner in the NFL. Just look at this rat-faced, used car looking, cocksucker


  4. Smith would be a good hire for Jax. . .he was there before, right? The DC when they had some good teams under Del Rio? They already got a good defense there, he just needs to get the QB figured out.

    Good article here on Stafford:


  5. Yeah, Smitty was brought to the Falcons from JAX where he was DC.

    What he needs to do is effectively be DC at JAX and be HC and get a defensive minded OC who believes in a ball control, run oriented, offense. Figure that out and Bortles will be fine.

  6. They should just shoot Oakland and put it out of its misery. . .

  7. Broke Assweipler already has more playoff wins than Matty Stafford. . .

  8. It took 54 whole seconds for the zebras to flag Dee-troit. . .

  9. Dropped passes killed the first two drives for the Lions. . .

  10. Nigger Jim better go for this 4th down on the first play of the 2nd Q. Can't beat Seattle on the road playing pussy football. No reason not to go for it.

  11. Horrible game. . .zebras didn't even need to hose Dee-troit, but they did anyway, just for the hell of it.

    Now we got another year of mediocre Nigger Jim football to look forward to. . .

  12. Pathetic game. The score stayed pretty tight for Detroit anyway because Seattle ain't that good. But Seattle still dominated. The defense seemed to give up. But not as much as the Raiders.

    Del Rio went into that game to lose. He didn't go in there to win. At all.

    The Detroit game was so frustrating to watch. Watching it made me think, "if I were in Detroit and watched this team 16 times a year, I'd hate football."

    They just can't get anything together. The giving up on the run game kills me. Give it up for what? To pass? To whom? How many fucking drops can Detroit receivers perform. It's like watching a fixed fight. A bumbling 1919 Black Sox. It looks almost fucking fixed!

    Rawls absolutely imposed his will on the Lions. 161 fucking yards. But see, that's what you get when you don't abandon the fucking run game. He got 27 carries.

    What did the Great White Hope Zenner get? 11 carries. Oh, but because he gets stuffed a couple times, oh, let's give up on the run game so we can pass it to Butterfinger receivers! Shit, the second best receiver WAS THE FUCKING GREAT WHITE HOPE RB (GWHRB)!!!

    If I'm Stafford, I'm thinking of how to get out of Detroit. Watching Detroit makes me realize, again, why Sanders left at a relatively early age. Detroit don't wanna win.

  13. And Caldwell looks like a fan who won some fucking prize. Some kind of "coach for a game" raffle.

    Seriously, he looks like the dumb guy at the office who fucks up the printer ink order. Someone ask him to take a regular job sometime and record that shit.

    He looks like he got into football because it was all x's and o's. You know, stuff he could actually read.

    Shit, he was a defensive back whom somehow got Tony "DunceCap" Dungy to hire as a QB COACH!!!

    Fucking A. Look at who he later qb coached for - Manning and Flacco. Both guys who don't need much fucking qb coaching.

    This guy has been floating on the established success of others. Too bad for Detroit fans he isn't a head case like Kubiak.

  14. It's amazing what happens to some of these guys when they come to Dee-troit. . .they get Lion-ized. . .look at that old nigger Anquan Boldin, committing two roughness penalties in a playoff game. . .a WR getting two roughness penalties. . .I bet he don't have two in his career, but he plays like a career fuck-up Lion in the playoffs.

    Atlanta won't have any problem beating Seattle. . .Seattle's defense ain't that good, anymore. . .the Falcons will actually catch the ball against them, and run on them. I bet Rawls don't get more than 60 yards on Atlanta.

    Caldwell's an uppity nigger, too. . .very condescending to the media. . .can't stand the guy, yet he'll be back for at least one more year. . .I liked the Lions better when they were 0-16, at least they were funny. . .the Caldwell Lions are boring as shit. . .

  15. Detroit is lucky to have Miami because Miami was pathetic. That was pitiful. Cheerleader Tomlin, that bug eyed freak, gets to cheer another day this season.

    Now with the NY vs GB game the Giants keep dropping passes. It's cold, sure. But damn

  16. The way Beckham is dropping the ball, he could play for the Lions.. .

    All these wild card games suck. . .

  17. That Clem - Ala game, so much better than the NFL garbage. Great win for ol' Dabo Swinney. . .that boy ain't no joke, he can coach 'em up. . .whipped Meyer and Saban to grab the trophy. Seems like a decent person, too.

  18. Seahawks getting their ass beat every which way. . .
